How to Avoid Multiple Recurrence of Divorce

I knew someone that had been divorced 3 times in 7 years, 3x married to different men. And I also knew a man that had married 6 different women and had divorced them…he’s presently married to the 7th. This is not a mockery post. I’m a woman and I can never predict my future, even you too as a reader to this post can never predict the future.

My aim of this writing is to share few tips to the divorcee(either male or female), I’m not a relationship adviser, just sharing a few tips that may help base on life experiences of other people have came across (I love listening/reading peoples story so I could learn some lesson from them)

After divorce, divorce is not the end of life, you’ll remarry again, won’t you?( Well that’s your choice anyway). What you shouldn’t do is marry because you want to pepper your EX, Also don’t marry because of the too much pressure on you, you may likely end up repeating the circle again.

See also
Beware of the Social and Economic Status of Your Proposed Partner

Aside praying for a good spouse, you need to work on you too and here are few tips that could help you.

1. You need to heal first. Healing is important or else you’ll put you baggage on an innocent person’s head. If you think you need a therapy, go get it.
Take time to heal and understand your own relationship needs and expectations. Let go of anger and resentments from your past relationships.

2. Work on yourself. Improve yourself… You can’t tell me you Ex is the only bad person, I’m not saying you are bad but trying to let you know as human we all have our flaws. Figure out yours and work on it. For example, If you are short tempered try seek help on anger management etc.

See also
Why Women Divorce Men and Suggested Solutions

3. Improve yourself. Find Stability in Your Life to Avoid Instability in Remarriage. Mental stability, financial stability, etc are necessary.

4. Your Ex is not your enemy, don’t turn your children into h@ting their mother or father. Marriage didn’t work between you, yes, so what? You aren’t the first nor the last…. Why deprived your children of their mother’s or father’s love? Find a way to keep them connected without interfering with your own new life. Always make plans with the needs of your Children in mind.

5. What exactly do you need? Yes, what do you want in choosing your next spouse. Figure them out. If you don’t know what you want, you can never appreciate the person.

6. Change the cycle. Sometimes you keep repeating same mistakes because of your cycle. You want a woman that get big yansh, big boobs beautiful and curvy, that can dress to k!ll yet ….you married her and tell her to start dressing like a grandma… You also know you don dey buy job for yourself. Why not marry a lady that dresses modestly as you want it? Watin you know you no fit finish, don’t start am. You don’t want a working wife but you married a career woman and you want her to leave her job for you. What happened to those ladies that will happily choose to be a full house wife?

See also

7. Forgive your Ex, also forgive yourself.

Make I stop here go pray. Sense or nonsense, person go learn small 🤏thing here.

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