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Welcome to Zawaaj Matchmaking Center
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Marriage is Sunnah. we help you in fulfilling it

Modes of Payment

Types of Payment

There are two types of payments involved in this matchmaking process:

  1. Payment for Registration
  2. Payment for Introduction

Payment for Registration

This is the commitment payment made for collection of form/online registration and processing of the form. It coversĀ  steps one to five of the matchmaking process.

There are four modes of registration

1, Free Mode: The applicant pays nothing for registration

2, Basic Mode: The applicant pays N20,000 and he has the opportunity of one recommendation of compatible potential partner

3, MediumĀ Mode: The applicant pays N30,000 and he has the opportunity of two recommendations of compatible potential partners

4, Advanced Mode: The applicant pays N40,000 and he has the opportunity of three recommendations of compatible potential partners

Payment for Introduction

This payment covers the introduction of the potential partners and the document involved. It covers the steps six and seven of the matchmaking process. This is N30,000 only.