10 Behaviours Every Couple Should Avoid to Keep their Relationship Stable

Happiness in a relationship doesn’t depend on luck and chance. It’s a daily job. If you don’t do these things, you can keep your relationship strong for a long time.

1. Complaining about your partner to friends and family

It’s not only unhealthy, it’s completely useless to take it out on your partner. Tomorrow you will make up and change your mind, and the impression of your companion or companion will be permanently spoiled. Instead of complaining to your friends, talk to each other, ask the disturbing questions. Friends are needed for the soul, joy and relaxation. As for loved ones, they will be on your side anyway.

2. Compare yourself to other couples.

Love each other for who you are. Comparing yourself and your partner to others is unwise and unfair. It is even more unwise to express your thoughts and comparisons out loud. Nothing good will come of it. The grass will always seem greener on someone else’s lawn, even if in fact the lawn there has long since dried out.

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The other extreme is to compare yourself to celebrity couples. Many celebrities only pretend to be happily married. For them, it’s business and nothing personal. Live your life and don’t compare yourself to your neighbors on the landing or to Instagram stars.

3. Playing the Victim.

Adults enter into relationships and take a certain position in a couple consciously. If no one forcibly pulled you into the registry office or forced you to date him, don’t play the victim and don’t blame your partner for the problems. Look for solutions and wrestle with difficulties instead of blaming your partner for the situation.

4. Being Too Serious.

A happy family life is not a test of strength or a matter of life and death. Loving people can laugh at each other and accept with a smile the difficulties that life sometimes throws up. After all, they have each other, which means there is strength to cope with any trouble.

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5. Criticism

There is good and bad in everyone. Happy couples know that criticism destroys relationships and kills love. If you don’t like something, speak delicately about your feelings and explain what exactly and why you don’t like it.

6. Ignore the subject of money.

The issue of money can break up the strongest relationship. Happy couples are open about financial matters, they understand their needs, see their goals and discuss the future together. There should be no shyness about money topics. It’s your money and your future. It is in your best interest to make it secure.

7. Lack of Communication

Happy couples know that communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. You don’t need a magic orb or the ability to read minds to be happy. It’s enough to talk openly and without riddles about your feelings, worries, anxieties and hopes. Yes, if you lack attention or affection in your relationship, just say so.

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8. Overreacting on Issues

Sharing your emotions and worries is fine. But you shouldn’t dump all your negativity and stress on your partner. You will feel better, but your partner won’t, especially if he or she isn’t mentally prepared to deal with the release of emotion. Want to talk? Ask if this is the right time. If not, look for other forms of self-expression and removal of negativity, such as writing letters.

9. Clinging to roles.

On your first date, did you say you love to cook and you haven’t left the kitchen since because you’ve clung to the role of chef? Happy couples have a flexible mindset and don’t cling to specific roles. Whoever is free cooks dinner, and whoever goes to the store early comes home from work. And there are no hard feelings, irritation, or negativity. It is a worldly affair.

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10. Pick on little things.

A happy relationship is first and foremost about moral support and participation. Life is already full of stress and negativity. If the other half of the problems, such as temporarily no work, do not nag, do not nag, and try to inspire love. Your faith motivates more than anything else.

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