Genotype and Marriage Compatibility

Genotype and Marriage Compatibility


One important question that some people ask regarding filling their profile details during the matchmaking process is “Why do I need to reveal my genotype when I’m a Muslim and I’m very healthy? Is it a Sunnah requirement?”

Surprisingly, some even do not know their genotype until when asked to fill their profile details.

This article will attempt to explain the basics and Importance of knowing and considering genotype before proposing or accepting Marriage offer. Also, it will also explain why it is not only Sunnah but even compulsory to do so.

What is Genotype?

Genotype can be defined as the genetic constitution of an individual organism.

No two human beings are the same. People could bear some form of resemblance, look-alike, act the same, perhaps talk the same, but in reality, no two people are absolutely identical.

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The genotype is the biological coding that ensures this specificity, uniqueness, and individuality. The DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic Acid ) contains the instruction manual that guides the formation of our genetic as well as physical traits.

This is different from your phenotype which is a description of your actual physical characteristics. It is imperative to know your genotype before you say “yes” to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with or if you are in a relationship in which there are chances of conception.

Intending couples should know and share information about each other’s blood genotype and blood group as this can serve as an important forecasting guide for offspring’s genotype, quality of life & overall health.

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The problem to avoid with genotype compatibility for intending couples is the sickle cell disease (a recessive disorder)–a very serious medical condition with high prevalence rates in Africa south of the Sahara.

Types of Genotype

Typically, there are five (5) distinct types of blood genotype. They are AA, AS, AC, SS, and SC. While the first 2 pairs (AA & AS) are normal, AC is rare and the latter two (SS, SC) are irregular and anomalous, commonly causing sickle cell disease.

Sickle cell disease occurs when an individual’s blood cells are shaped in a deformed and abnormal manner, potentially blocking blood flow, causing pain and damage to vital organs.

Genotype Compatibility Formula

Study this table below carefully:

AA + AA = AA, AA, AA, AA (Excellent)

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AA + AS = AA, AS, AA, AS, (Good)

AA + SS = AS, AS, AS, AS, (Fair)

AA + AC = AA, AA, AA, AC. (Good)

AS + AS = AA, AS, AS, SS, (Very Bad)

AS + SS = AS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AS + AC = AA, AC, AS,SS. (Bad; Advice needed)

SS + SS = SS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AC + SS = AS, AS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

AC + AC = AA, AC, AC, SS. ( Bad; Advice needed).

Solution Discovered

Until the early 1980s, sickle cell disease was thought to be debilitating and incurable.

The only thing that can change the genotype is the bone marrow transplant (BMT). Recent research however reveals that specialized bone marrow or stem cell transplants can be used to cure the ailment.

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) has been proven to be the only promising permanent cure to SS, SC, and CC; however, it is new, very expensive and cannot be done in any part of Africa. It also carries some risks.

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Is It Islamic or Bid’ah Considering Genotype Before Marriage?

Allah says in a very clear term in Qur’an 2:195

_”And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction . And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good”_

The meaning of do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction is not limited to refraining from spending only. It is a general maxim that prohibits us from anything that can possibly harm us or others, once we’ve gained knowledge about it.

It will be fatalistic, unrealistic and sinful if one deliberately disregards, hides or falsifies information about his genotype. The decision of the two intending couples will not only impact on them but also on their children.

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The Zawaaj Matchmakers would have considered this and other necessary factors before formally Introducing the intending couples.

Our principle is to do our possible best and put our trust in Allāh. Wa bil-laahit-tawfiiq

For any questions or clarification, please feel free to contact:

Imaam Thamin Ayinde Abdul-Qadir

+2348027571283 (Calls and WhatsApp

+2347069715716. (Calls and WhatsApp)

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