Man is created with honor and prestige according to the words of Allah. Due to the nature of man, his creator allows him to marry even up to four women if he is capable financially, emotionally and sexually.Though marrying more than one wife is not mandatory but optional.
Some men avoid this honourable path and cut corner and later fall into the pit of adultery.

I have heard the case of a Professor of a renowned university that was disgraced, humiliated and spent some years in prison.He lost his job and destroyed his family’s name due to one or two hours of enjoyment from adultery.
A whole managing director of a big company fell from Grace to grass as a result of some hours of enjoyment of sexual intercourse.

See also
Masturbation from an Islamic Perspective

There is a reward for married couples who engage in sexual intercourse and there is punishment for those who do it in unlawful manners.

Whatever you see in another woman no matter how beautiful she is, you can find it in your wife.

Be disciplined, cautious and prayerful so that Satan will not lead you to the journey of regret and sadness.

Fornication and adultery are sins from the Quranic and biblical approach. Won’t you desist from it and protect your name which you have built for years?
Our fathers will say “Good name is better than gold and silver.

A teacher or Mua’lim teaching in Arabic school must be extra ordinary careful with his female students.

Avoid anything that can lead to adultery no matter how small it is. May Allah protect us from all evils and make our feet firm on the path of righteousness aameen.Written by AKANDE AYINDE MUTIU ABU HASSAN .

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