Why Women Divorce Men and Suggested Solutions

If you observe, some women are advocating for divorce vehemently, and they partly adopt the feminist narrative that men are to blame for women filing for divorce. “80 percent of divorces are initiated by women. Among the religious and educated women, the rate is 90 percent.”

To this end, feminists believe women have so been unhappy for too long, by the notion of the radical feminists, a new woman would be economically and emotionally independent of marriage, family, nature, and faith. Then, those who preach the feminist ideology are not Muslims, many were occultists and satanists, but why did some Muslim sisters listen and adopt the theory?

The answer is simple, it is a movement, and a woman that is maltreated by a man, recruiting her is easy, so the victory of feminism created restless women, dissatisfied with home and family structure, confused about their body shapes, colours and looks, careers come before family etc.

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The current problem of religious radical feminists is polygyny, it sounds as injustice for a married man billed to have four, and a married woman is to have one, so they want to Restore Monogamy to create equality. Being a submissive wife does not mean subjugation as feminists posit.

The health of a marriage depends primarily on the husband. He needs to lead from the front. Our men should stop regarding women as sex toys. Husbands should be taught to be intimate partners and equipped to understand what their wives mean when they express hurt and frustration over the lack of intimacy and other needs in their marriages.

We have solaced in the religious principles, it must be used to our advantage, when a marriage is instituted, the husband is automatically the leader who must lead in truth and patience, while the wife is to obey, take care of home in order to promote blissful marital relationship.

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Always pay attention to details.

Abu Sheikh

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