Why this Stress About Matchmaking?

People often wonder and ask questions, “Why must we pass through these long processes just to get a future partner?”, “Why must we answer more than 50 questions of personanality test? Then, we must create profiles filling details about our states of health, religion and other personal data.” “Is this not too stressful and boring?” “Are all these really needed at all?”

These and other similar questions are often asked. This is not strange or surprising at all. Such questions normally arise when people do not know the reasons and purposes of passing through some processes. They easily become bored and discouraged.

This article is to briefly explain why these processes are necessary and worthwhile; and also to encourage our applicants to happily and correctly provide all the necessary information required of them.

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Marriage is meant to be neither a temporary contract nor a part-time relationship. It’s impacts, whether positive or negative, in the lives of the couples, are also very deep and relatively permanent.

Ordinarily, a journey or project that will last for only one year worths preparations of a week or more; let alone a project of a lifetime that will leave permanent impact on the participants and even their progenies.

With all the Importance of marriage, these processes of providing the necessary information do not take even two hours from the applicant. Yet, they are all significant to his or her choice of future compatible partner and pave way for a family union full of love and joy.

The personality-test is to elicit the basic information peculiar to each applicant. Individual traits and tendencies will be derived after correctly answering the professionally designed questionnaires. The result of the personality test will then be used a section of the profile details.

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The profile contains questions regarding the basic bio-data, health, physical description, marital preferences and religious inclinations. No information requested is unimportant. The applicant is expected to be truthful about himself or herself in the information he or she gives.

All these, when answered correctly will enable us make the adequate comparative analysis of the applicants and eventually give our objective recommendations.

It’s a duty entrusted on us to recommend a happy union leading to happy family, but can be achieved only with cooperation of the applicants patiently giving correct details of themselves.

Our principle is to do our possible best and put our trust in Allāh. Wa bil-laahit-tawfiiq

For any questions or clarification, please feel free to contact
Imaam Thamin Ayinde Abdul-Qadir

+2348027571283 (Calls and WhatsApp

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+2347069715716. (Calls and WhatsApp)

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